【 Bob Dylan的天堂之門 】
雖然,我個人比較喜歡「槍與玫瑰」(Guns N' Roses)所演繹的Knocking on Heaven's Door,但鮑伯狄倫才是真正的原創者;現年76歲集音樂創作人、藝術家、吟遊詩人……等榮銜於一身的老爺子,繼2016年拒絕領取諾貝爾文學獎後,2018/04/ 28鮑勃狄倫又有了驚人之舉,他在他的個人臉書頁面上宣佈推出自己的威士忌品 牌「Heaven's Door」天堂之門。
與Bob Dylan共創立天堂之門威士忌的其中一位合夥人馬克布沙拉 Marc Bushala。曾經成功打造了天使之翼Angel's Envy這個威士忌品牌,並且最後以1.5億美元的天價轉讓給百加得烈酒集團。也因為鮑伯狄倫在2015年註冊了「Bootleg Whiskey」私釀威士忌這個品牌,而開創了雙方合作的契機!
老爺子最終的目的,當然是要建立起自己的Craft Distillery,至於目前已上市的三款商品的原酒出自於何處,就有待粉絲們細細挖掘了……
與Bob Dylan共創立天堂之門威士忌的其中一位合夥人馬克布沙拉 Marc Bushala。曾經成功打造了天使之翼Angel's Envy這個威士忌品牌,並且最後以1.5億美元的天價轉讓給百加得烈酒集團。也因為鮑伯狄倫在2015年註冊了「Bootleg Whiskey」私釀威士忌這個品牌,而開創了雙方合作的契機!
鮑勃迪倫並不是第一位為參與烈酒生產的明星。此前,喬治 克魯尼創辦了 Casamigos 龍舌蘭酒的品牌,並在2017年以10億美金賣給了世界 最大的帝亞吉歐。大衛貝克漢也曾參與了帝亞吉歐旗下HA IG CLUB WHISKY 翰格藍爵穀物威士忌的品牌決策過程。
當然,鮑伯狄倫不僅僅止於掛名代言商品,更實際參與了裸麥威士忌(Straight Rye)、熟成7年的田納西波本威士忌(Straight Tennessee Bourbon)以及雙桶威士忌(Double Barrel)三項產品的酒款風味研發和酒瓶包裝的設計;而這些靈感和創意都是來自於老爺子的鐵工工作室。
“We both wanted to create a collection of
American whiskeys that, in their own way, tell a story,” Mr. Dylan said in a
statement to The New York Times. “I've been traveling for decades, and I've
been able to try some of the best spirits that the world of whiskey has to
offer. This is great whiskey.”「我們想要創造一系列的美國威士忌,讓他們用自己的方式去講述一個故事」在全球各地旅行嚐遍世界美酒的鮑伯狄倫在堅信信天堂之門的系列產品會是非常棒的威士忌。老爺子最終的目的,當然是要建立起自己的Craft Distillery,至於目前已上市的三款商品的原酒出自於何處,就有待粉絲們細細挖掘了……
Straight Tennessee Bourbon 750 milliliters 90 proof $49.99
On the nose, this is a classic, no-fuss bourbon, though with more oak-derived notes — think caramel, vanilla and wood char — than you’d expect from a seven-year-old. I also smelled sandalwood, leather and linseed oil. And there’s a creamy cola note that suggests a good bit of rye in the mash bill. (Mr. Dylan and his team say they use just 70 percent corn, leaving a lot of room for other grains to show their influence.) The palate opens with a soft cocoa and buttercream note, then sharpens toward black pepper and cigar tobacco. The finish is slightly bitter, with the sweet spiciness of an Atomic Fireball. My favorite of the bunch.
Double Barrel Whiskey 750 milliliters 100 proof $49.99
More restrained than its stable mates, the Double Barrel — in which different whiskeys have been blended and further aged together in another cask — smells of cake batter, fresh berries and children’s cough syrup; as it develops in the glass, its nose turns darker and woodier, with a hint of sweet fortified wine lurking in the background. It tastes surprisingly astringent and medicinal, given the nose, with a thin mouthfeel and notes of tobacco, allspice and wood smoke, resolving in ground pepper. The wood influence on this one is strong, perhaps too much, but it would make a n
Straight Rye Whiskey 750 milliliters 92 proof $79.99
Most rye whiskey on the market these days is made at a distillery in southern Indiana called Midwest Grain Products, then sold to brands like George Dickel and Bulleit. Some brands then “finish” the whiskey by placing it in a used or new barrel to give it a twist — in this case, the rye goes into toasted Vosges oak barrels, which are often used to age pinot noir. Heaven’s Door doesn’t reveal where its rye comes from, but its nose is rich with MGP’s trademark dill and herbal notes. There’s also a sweet grassiness, cocoa powder, tobacco and a slap of leather. It opens deceptively smooth on the palate, but builds to a sweet spiciness before finishing with a burst of spicy, bittersweet chocolate.ice substitute for a rye in a manhattan.
On the nose, this is a classic, no-fuss bourbon, though with more oak-derived notes — think caramel, vanilla and wood char — than you’d expect from a seven-year-old. I also smelled sandalwood, leather and linseed oil. And there’s a creamy cola note that suggests a good bit of rye in the mash bill. (Mr. Dylan and his team say they use just 70 percent corn, leaving a lot of room for other grains to show their influence.) The palate opens with a soft cocoa and buttercream note, then sharpens toward black pepper and cigar tobacco. The finish is slightly bitter, with the sweet spiciness of an Atomic Fireball. My favorite of the bunch.
Double Barrel Whiskey 750 milliliters 100 proof $49.99
More restrained than its stable mates, the Double Barrel — in which different whiskeys have been blended and further aged together in another cask — smells of cake batter, fresh berries and children’s cough syrup; as it develops in the glass, its nose turns darker and woodier, with a hint of sweet fortified wine lurking in the background. It tastes surprisingly astringent and medicinal, given the nose, with a thin mouthfeel and notes of tobacco, allspice and wood smoke, resolving in ground pepper. The wood influence on this one is strong, perhaps too much, but it would make a n
Straight Rye Whiskey 750 milliliters 92 proof $79.99
Most rye whiskey on the market these days is made at a distillery in southern Indiana called Midwest Grain Products, then sold to brands like George Dickel and Bulleit. Some brands then “finish” the whiskey by placing it in a used or new barrel to give it a twist — in this case, the rye goes into toasted Vosges oak barrels, which are often used to age pinot noir. Heaven’s Door doesn’t reveal where its rye comes from, but its nose is rich with MGP’s trademark dill and herbal notes. There’s also a sweet grassiness, cocoa powder, tobacco and a slap of leather. It opens deceptively smooth on the palate, but builds to a sweet spiciness before finishing with a burst of spicy, bittersweet chocolate.ice substitute for a rye in a manhattan.
同場加映 老爺子的原創 Bob Dylan- Knockin' on Heaven's Door "Original"
後續品飲筆記 https://saltybreezetw.blogspot.com/2019/08/blog-post_22.html
後續品飲筆記 https://saltybreezetw.blogspot.com/2019/08/blog-post_22.html
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